Sunday, August 30, 2009


In all of the Teacher's Podcasts, all of them had the same feel as to how they were done except for one of them. They were all audio podcasts using skype or someother type of audio. The Teaching with Smartboard was audio and video because they had to demonstrate how you can use the smartboard in your classroom. I like these podcasts because they can record their audio messages from thousands of miles away and its not even noticable until they said something about it. They were very casual about delivering their message. Most times it has that lecture feel to it where every minute is about the lecture, but they had a very laid back and comfortable feel to them. They were very interesting to listen to but also very helpful about how to introduce podcasts into the classrooms.

In Kidcast, Dan was talking about the difference between audio and video podcasts. He mentioned that audio is safer for children and it also enhances children's listening skills. Video podcasting takes more time to set up because of the worries about lighting, sound, and rehearsing your information because you have to make sure your giving your attention to the camera. Audio is portable and can be accessed where ever there is a radio. The 80/20 ratio is a very creative way to help kids with their pocasts, 80 percent content and 20 percent production. This ratio will help kids in the long run because they will have learned more information because they didnt have to waste time on setting up for a video podcast.

EdTech Talk was a bunch of people communicating on skype discussing what it takes to a professional in the classroom. Listening to the other podcasts and then listening to a Skype call was very interesting. All of the guests gave their opinions on how to become a better teacher and mentor.It is better to have a routine in the classroom, that way everything in the lesson plan will get taught. Helping kids is the most important role you can take to become more professional, helping them study and answer any questions they may have. Kids look up to teachers and trust them that they will help them succeed and further their knowledge.

This Week in Photography was about new technologies available and if its right for you and your kind of work. They discussed different brands and the pros and cons of each brand. This podcast was sort of interesting to listen to because i had no clue some of these devices were even available. They are very laid back and casual too about how they are doing their podcasts, very funny about how they relate James Bond to technology.

MacBreak Weekly is a couple of guys getting together talking about new technologies of Mac. They discuss how technology has increased for podcasts and the different tools available to help the process of podcasting. The App on IPhone lets you record the audio for podcasts, but the newer version lets you record videos now. Snow Leopard is the newer version of Leopard for Mac and they said its cheaper and faster to get at the Apple store rather than Amazon. There is always going to be updates to computer software and its important for teachers to learn and use these updates to help better educate their kids on new technolgy.


  1. I agree the the Smartboard Podcast hosts had a "laid back and comfortable feel." I guess it is enjoyable to listen to not just "lecture talk." I never thought about it that way, but it is welcoming.
